Sample Web Brief

The following is a web brief designed for the Prostate Cancer Foundation’s Movember event.  It is designed to appeal to a young demographic.


Fighting Prostate Cancer, Looking Stylish

We know you’ve thought about it.

Sure, some people say it looks ridiculous, but if Tom Selleck and Hulk Hogan can pull it off, why not you?  You just need a reason – any reason at all not to shave it.

Well brother, wrap up your razor for the holidays.  The eleventh month is now officially Movember.  We’re fighting prostate cancer, and you have a mustache to grow.

Movember (originally an Australian event, where a “mo” is a slang term for mustache) is month-long facial hair bonanza where you grow a lip sweater to raise awareness about prostate cancer.


Why a mustache?

A big, bushy mustache, much like the prostate, is a uniquely male occurrence.  We find it makes a good symbol.

And because a mustache occupies the center of your face, it’s almost impossible for family and friends to ignore.  They’ll probably ask you about it, and you’ll tell them you’re rocking a ‘stache because:

  • It’s for a good cause.
  • Prostate cancer and mustaches are more likely to occur in men over 40, though are not impossible in/on younger men.
  • You’re urging them to get checked, especially if they are male and over 40.  Otherwise, you’re urging them to urge their middle-aged male loved ones.
  • You hope they’ll check out, and maybe donate some money to the Prostate Cancer Foundation.
  • You’re setting a good example for their imminent Movember mustaches.

Saving lives is as easy as not shaving.  This Thanksgiving, we hope to see you all in your full, mustachioed glory.  Happy Movember.

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